Monday, September 19, 2011

Fund Raiser and Other Stuff

First, the FUNd raiser!  On September 1st, the Hope Warrior Sisters [Barb, Pattie and Liz], had a FUNd raiser for the Lung Cancer Alliance, similar to the one we had in June to raise money for MS [multiple sclerosis] at Cheers to Art!  The turn out was fantastic!  It was SOLD OUT, plus there was a waiting list.  Due to the sell out, $500 was raised for the LUNG CANCER ALLIANCE!

The Hope Warrior Sisters selected the "Wishing Flower" picture to paint since we are all wishing for a world without cancer.  It was so great to see so many family and friends and we even had a "cousins" table - me, Pattie, Liz, Jeannine, Mary and Sharon [a 7 year lung cancer surivor!].  It was fun, as always, and made me feel so good to see so many people come and support our cause.  I also have to give a shout out to Jenn Hardin for donating plenty of cupcakes.  They were dee-licious!  Especially the Red Velvet - one of my favorites.  Jenn owns Cinsational Sweet Treats so if you live in the Cincinnati area please check her out. 

As always, we are grateful for finding out what a wonderful place Cheers to Art is and have enjoyed many sessions there.  The owners, Jill and Mike Carroll, are wonderful people and we've even made Jill an honorary "sister". 

Here are a few pictures from the event.

As you can see, we had a full house!  Lots of great looking Wishing Flowers!

More of the group!  I am sitting on the floor with my ball cap and to the right of me in the green shirt is my cousin Sharon [7 year lung cancer survivor]! 

I think everyone did a great job!  Some of us painted white flowers since white is the color of the cancer ribbon for lung cancer. 

The Hope Warrior Sisters!  I thought I had one with our 'honorary' sister, Jill, but I couldn't find it. 

Left to right:  Barb, Jackie, Pattie and Liz.

Two free painting sessions were given out and we had a goodie bag with information about lung cancer, writing your federal representative about the Lung Cancer Mortality Reduction Act and information on the Shine a Light Vigil taking place on November 1st in Blue Ash, Ohio at the Blue Ash Shelter. 

Now on to the other stuff....
People were wondering if everything was OK because the last post was from Dale in August.  I'm sorry if anyone worried, but everything is fine.  I have found that it is harder to stick to a schedule in the blogging world than I thought possible.  The other thing is that when I said this would be updated weekly I was on the chemo drug gemzar and I was feeling good almost all of the time.  After my last CT scan, I started getting a different chemo drug called taxotere.  This drug is more toxic than the newer chemotherapy drugs and it has been a challenge to feel "good" all of the time.  I was getting thrush, but that's been controlled now by medication.  Taxotere also makes you extremely fatigued and it's really messing with my taste buds [everything either tastes bad or not the same - nothing tastes satisfying] and just a general feeling of bluckiness.  Generally, I've felt like crap and with just 3 treatments it's not always been for the same amount of time.  So...with the new chemo drug in mind, I will just let you know that I will post when I am able and I'm feeling OK.  Hopefully that will be more often than it has been since the beginning of August!

Please continue the S.E.E. chants, dances, prayers, good thoughts and vibes especially on Monday, September 26th when I get my next CT scan.  I don't know when I will get the results, but I will let you know when I do! 


  1. Sending love to you Jackie, as always! xoxo

  2. Thinking always about you and your wellness Jackie, and SEEing. I love the idea of the fund raiser and am going to suggest it to my sister. We have a small studio in California that offers art experiences such as the one you had, and it would make a marvelous way to give back to the community and aid in the fight against cancer. We lost our Dad to lung cancer in 2000 and still miss him...
    ~cath xoxo

  3. Hello,
    I have a question about your blog. Please email me!
