Friday, October 1, 2010

friday, october 1, 2010

we're sorry there hasn't been anything on the blog for a while.

since the last infusion, the new chemo drug, there really hasn't been too much to pass along.

jackie's reaction to the single drug, vs. the cocktail was less severe.
and now that she is no longer on the clinical protocol, there are no blood tests and visits between the chemo sessions.

the next chemo session is on the 13th of october.
we will post for sure the day before, and shortly after with any news.

but for now, there is nothing really to report.

we'll try and make sure we do an update at least every sunday going forward, or any time there is news to pass along.

thanks to everyone who is following us with the fight.
(especially for all the S.E.E. thoughts/chants/prayers along the way)

don't forget the "Shine a light on lung cancer vigil", 7pm november 4th, at the blue ash town square.
we'll post more details as the date gets closer!


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