Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

tony and i had to run up to columbus, for an MS infusion.

in the mean time, jackie, pattie, and barb met some of the ebel cousins for lunch.
lots of talking, lots of laughing.
it was reported by one of the sisters that they laughed so much, her cheeks hurt!

the participants are:
Sharon, Jackie, Pattie, Janice, Barb, Jeannine

now for the big push.

tomorrow morning, (wed. 15th), jackie is having a CT scan, checking for progress of the chemo in shrinking the tumor.

make sure you guys are all out there, touching your hope bracelets, doing the S.E.E. chant.

see that tumor,
boy it stinks.
lets all watch,
that sucker shrink!


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