Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011

we learned a new word this week.

it's what happens after you get you CT scan, but before the dr. tells you how it came out.

the scan was last thursday, the results are in, and all of you S.E.E. chanting lunatics must be making your neighbors wonder what you're up to!

you've been doing such a good job, that everything, including the main tumor in the right lung has shrunk even smaller then before!

you chance to do a bit more is right around the corner.
this coming wednesday is jackie's next chemo!
(that's the day after tomorrow)

so, this wednesday...

Do a little dance,
make a little...
no wait, that's something else!

but chant your little butts off!

Shrink Erase Eradicate!

it will do you good!
not to mention the good vibes will help us all, except for those pesky tumors, who will just keep shrinking!


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thursday, January 20,2011

it's been a couple of days since our last update.
i mean weeks?

the holidays went very well!

there was a little fatigue after all the running around, lots of sleeping, listlessness.
(but that was me, jackie was just fine)

The picture to the left (i hope) is from Katie's half marathon down in Orlando, at the Disney run!
(left to right... Pattie, Liz, Katie, Teresa, Barb...the stalker in the back is Gary)

Liz did a 5K, and everyone else cheered Katie and Liz on!

in other news, Tony had his Social Security Disability hearing last week.
the judge said "i'll let you know in eight weeks".
(Tony's lawyer said it was a done deal and the eight weeks is just a formality)

so, Jackie's doing well, working full days, getting through the STUFF that is corporate america.
tony has an eye out for some regular income. (first time since mid 2008).
all the Bodmo's need now is to get the old man working and out of the house!

oh, wait...
i almost forgot!

last week, i started a new contract.
working for a Medicaid Insurance Co. in Dayton.

the drive is not the best, but nothing like mason to florence was last year.

the atmosphere, and the team are great!
and it makes a nice little trifecta for the new year.

so, next wednesday is the next chemo.
keep those S.E.E.'s coming.

thanks to all of you, ("All Y'all" for our KY fans), for all the love, and support through the last five months or so.

we couldn't be here without all the positive energy from you guys.

that's all i got!
