Sunday, August 1, 2010

Tuesday, july 27, 2010

i just heard from jackie.

dr. thorpe, the pulmonary guy has already stopped in to see her.

he said he is happy to see the progress in her breathing, and vitals.

the fucking-mass-from-hell-oscopy is scheduled for early afternoon, around 1pm i think.
i'll try to get results out as quickly as i can.

he said they can usually identify what it is immediately, like 90%.
no more mention of the histoplasmosis, (spell checker threw up on THAT one), but he did mention the word fungus.
(look for the next great stephen king book, "the fungus that ate my wife" coming soon!)
jackie slept kind of ok, it's still a hospital, and there were people in and out.
they are still doing the breathing treatments, the inhale this misty stuff for the next five minutes.
i know they were in around 2am.

she said that when someone would come in she either fell back asleep in ten minutes, or in an hour.
i think she said the longest stretch of sleep was about three hours.
(actually, it sounds worse then i think it was... that is better sleeping then she has had in the last week and a half or so!)

i'll be heading to the hospital around 8am or so.

so, that's the scoop for now.

more to follow!

if you see someone who maybe should be on this list that i either don't have an email address for, or forgot.
forward it on, or send me their email address.

as for the ironic side of life...
when i got home and got the mail...

honest to __________, (fill in the blank of your favorite deity, or overriding force of the universe here)
right on top was a 'come on' from the american cancer society asking for cash.

i was ready to tear it up, burn it, then bury the results until it dawned on me.
those guys are really getting hard core with their fund raising techniques!

keep those positive thoughts flowing in our general direction!

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